“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

– Abraham Lincoln

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.

Matthew 18:20 (KJV)

Join Us!

The common issue amongst Christians these days is finding a solid Bible believing church.  The church is meant to uplift, encourage,  and support one another.  And while many churches do this to one degree or another, many more are searching for a deeper connection with Jesus. So I would encourage you to come join our Facebook Group where people are always posting, and people like you are also welcome to join the weekly online video meetups. No obligation of course. 

It’s all about



As we are coming to the end of the “Church Age” it seems more difficult to find like-minded patriots and believers in the TRUE savior of mankind. The Mighty Right is here to be your one-stop-shop through communication and attractive and empowering wear.


However it’s our intent on building a conservative community that believes in freedom, traditional family, and human decency.  So we just might want to send you an email from time to time for a few reasons.

  • Words of encouragement
  • News that can’t wait
  • Non mainstream news
  • New product designs from community designers
  • New video announcements

You can always opt-out whenever you like, or you can always email us if there’s something you want us to address. Hope to see ya on the other side!

Join the Community!

You can opt-out anytime, but we promise to try and send you cool stuff.

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